An Apology
Look. I know you all are expecting me to wax eloquently about the reaction to my earlier post. And that will happen at some point. (Hint: Mark Kern totally didn't get it.)
But, look. You have to understand something here. I'm a gamer. I'm not just saying that because it's my career or anything like that. I seriously really like games. And specific games.
Look, what I'm trying to tell you, it's not you, it's me.
So tonight you guys can argue about Letmarks Peak all you want... I am playing out what would happen if the Kingdom of Jerusalem fled to the New World (to where I grew up, specifically). And converted to Judaism. And become crazy warrior monks that took over the eastern seaboard of the US. And decided it was their destiny to reconquer Europe.
Because, really, why not? Gaming is about following your dreams.

Don't judge my dreams.