Yes, A T-72 Tank Does Equal an M1A1 Tank, Just Ask Iraq
Something to amuse the grognards - saw this site quoted as a "prestigious" monitor of global military strength by, believe it or not, an official (if obscure) US Government media source. My take after about 3 minutes of review:
Awful copy editing (misspellings abound)
Confusing statistical analysis (0.0000 is perfect, apparently)
No explanation of how those scores are derived
Raw comparison of unit classes without any apparent measurement of age or quality (a T-72 does not equal an M1A1, as a certain ex-national security advisor who gained some notoriety at 73 Easting would tell you)
Basically, I'm in the wrong business and need to make a website full of buzzwords mated to wargame design, pronto. If I charge $50K for access to defense contractors I only need to sell 5 to 10 a year!
This is the actual reference most national security dorks use, which actually DOES charge an arm and a leg but isn't, uh, hilariously bad. And they only charge $650 a copy!